
Wednesday 8 August 2012

Thoughts for the day…

Some interesting thoughts and comments (or not as you may think) that I have encountered recently.

Comments from potential client(s):

I want a local based accountant.

My Reply:

With all of this wonderful technology we have in this world then there is absolutely no need to be local to your accountant (or any other professional adviser for that matter). Yes we have to meet initially (for various reasons) and I am more than happy to come to you if that’s easier.
On an ongoing basis, I am more than happy to talk via the phone and / or email to discuss any issues. If there is something really that crucial that we cannot go through it on the phone then we can arrange a meeting. I usually do not charge for this as I can normally coincide it with something going on in my personal life or another client.
Consider that the person who said that was based in central London; do they really want to pay London rates? Although an ex Londoner (born and bred – you can take the boy out of London, but never the London out of the boy) I do not charge London rates.

Comment from potential client:

You are prepared to travel to me – therefore you must be very expensive or just helpful

My Reply:

My rates are very reasonable and I am more than happy to offer a free initial meeting if you are serious about using my services. If you are just window shopping then I find that a chat on the phone is preferable unless I am in your area for other business.

Yes I am helpful – I treat people how I like to be treated. I am in a service based profession and I firmly believe in offering a good service. I am also not naïve in this world and take the view that any potential client could introduce more new clients to me (irrespective of what industry they are in).

Existing clients will happily vouch about how helpful I am. I firmly believe in building long term client relationships and therefore act in a suitable manner. Most good professionals will offer a free initial meeting or chat – it gives both parties the chance to see if they can work together. 

On the same basis that you are under no obligation to use my services once we have met, then I am also under no obligation to accept you as a client. I have only ever turned one future client away and that was because they were willing to try and buck the tax system and willingly commit blatant tax evasion / fraud. That will just not happen with me and any professional accountant will have had the same view.

Comment from potential client:

How much will it cost me and what can I claim as expenses?

My Reply:

I usually give a rough cost range which will not be wildly wrong when we meet. It is very hard to commit to anything until I understand your full circumstances – do you have other income (property, PAYE job etc), are you VAT registered, are you claiming benefits etc? 

In respect of what you can claim as an expense – well I could write a complete book on that and to be blatantly honest I just won’t go into that detail on an email. Apart from the fact that I hate typing lengthy mails, why should I give loads of free expert advice to complete strangers when they can type things into Google and see what comes up? Or even better – they can ask on forums and wait for the replies…..

Which leads me nicely onto…..

One of my pet hates is so called experts who post on forums when they haven’t really got a clue about what they are talking about. Someone referred to them as educated fools once – I just call them stupid idiots! (and that is being nice for me). Be careful what you read out there folks….some of it is shocking and just totally wrong and will get you into deep with water with HMRC.

Talking about pet hates:
Whilst I will happily exchange a couple of emails – I do not like writing war and peace on email for ever and a day. Yes it has it’s purpose and time; however I find that so much more can be answered in a 5 minute phone call. You don’t even have to worry about the cost of the call as I will call you if needed. I also take calls from withheld numbers so don’t worry about that if that is a problem.

I myself operate two phones and the number displayed on this website is only for new / potential clients to contact myself. Once we have met then I have no problems giving my main number out. 

I have been known to take the view that if you are not prepared to pick up the phone then you are wasting both our times (and I haven’t been wrong yet!).

I am contactable at all sorts of weird times and have even been known to take calls at late o’clock on a Sunday evening. It’s all part of the service!

When you deal with me then you are dealing with a professional human being who knows his trade; treat me the same as you would treat any other professional (and also how you would like to be treated) and we won’t go far wrong in our working relationship. 

So much for a short set of words….sometimes I can be literal. Back to the numbers now.

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