
Wednesday 12 September 2012

Credit Card and Online Payments

Over the last month or so I have been having discussions with a provider who specialises in providing online payments and credit card payments. They cater for all industries but one of their niche markets is the Adult Industry.

They are based in the Channel Islands, however their partner bank which provides the physical payment processing is European and has absolutely no issues with this Industry at all.

I have spent a considerable amount of time performing due diligence on the provider and also taking up references from their major customers. I have signed a Confidentiality Agreement which prevents disclosure of their clients names, however they are providing card processing services for some of the major players in this arena and been operating in it for a good number of years. Their reputation and references are highly commendable.

In a nutshell what is being offered:

(1)  The ability to take credit card payments for physical meets/deposits via a hand held terminal.

a.    As it’s a cardholder present transaction – NO holdback or retention, (you get all the money very quickly). 

b.    Sensible fees for transactions.

c.    VERY discreet billing for your client on their credit card statement.


(2)  The ability to take online payments for adult content.           

a.    Whether this be per minute billing for cam or chat; or one off / recurring billing for membership sites or pay per view galleries.

b.    They are cheaper than the other players for this Industry and you do not run the risk of losing your money because your business is described as something very different to what it does.

The whole online payment can be easily integrated into any website that you already have control of, thus giving you the ability to add an extra revenue stream as applicable.

Obviously electronic payments will not appeal to everybody as there are a lot of cynics out there as well as those people who want no traceability as they are not paying any tax. There are a lot of benefits to taking electronic payments if the price and logistics are correct.

We will be publishing a FAQ sheet within the next week with hopefully enough information and answers for you to see if you are interested in the service.

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